
Face shield P1.1 type

The type of helmet: V‑GARD with filter mask

Description of the product

Face shield P2 type

The type of helmet: HO-01 Górnik with hearing protection

Description of the product

Face shield P1.1 type

The type of helmet: G 3000 Peltor with hearing protection

Description of the product

Face shield P1.2 type

The type of helmet: HO-01 Górnik z pasem podbródkowym

The ZGE type catch

Description of the product

  1. The mount­ing con­sists of two parts — low­er base, which is used to mount our face shields i.e.: P1, P2 or P1.1 type and a wedge which is insert­ed from the top to the hel­mets’ sock­et when there is no nec­es­sary of assem­bling hear­ing protection
  2. When hear­ing pro­tec­tion is nec­es­sary, wedges are replaced by hear­ing pro­tec­tion adapter ending


Description of the product

  1. Glass­es are packed from 5 to 25 pcs giv­ing the abil­i­ty to quick­ly and eas­i­ly draw­ing them direct­ly at the work­place and chang­ing worn-out pair very fast