About us

The Select com­pa­ny was estab­lished in 1989 as engi­neer­ing com­pa­ny spe­cial­iz­ing in design­ing, engi­neer­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing. Since 1993 our com­pa­ny has start­ed activ­i­ties in eye and face pro­tec­tion field, receiv­ing in 1994 the Cer­tifi­cate of Approval no: T‑01 – 060 issued by Cen­tral Insti­tute for Labour Pro­tec­tion and gain­ing pos­i­tive tests result in Exper­i­men­tal Mine Bar­bara with approval of using shields in coal mines with methane hazard.

The com­pa­ny also received required per­mis­sions which allowed usage of shields in mines on Czech Republic’s area. As for today, hav­ing an expe­ri­ence at design­ing and pro­duc­tion, the com­pa­ny pro­duces 9 types of face shields, which can be inter­change­ably used with most of hel­mets in coal mines and oth­er branch­es of indus­tries. Our main aim of Select Com­pa­ny is build­ing of trust, increas­ing safe­ty and pro­tect­ing the life and health of peo­ple who use our face shields in their dai­ly work. To achieve this aim we intro­duced in June 2005 ISO 9001:2001 qual­i­ty man­age­ment system.

Per­ma­nent mon­i­tor­ing of our prod­ucts’ func­tion­ing, which are used in safe­ty process against injuries and analy­sis of our clients’ needs and expec­ta­tions, allows us to mod­ern­ize shields, design and pro­duc­tion of new prod­ucts, which meet the high­est stan­dards accord­ing to Euro­pean Union Direc­tive 89/686/EWG.

Since 1997 we have been pre­sent­ing our prod­ucts on each edi­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Fair of Min­ing Pow­er Indus­try, Met­al­lur­gy and Chemistry.

The Board of PPUH „Select” LTD.